connect with industry experts and access unlimited resourcesBCSCA Membership offers a great way to get to know your industry, peers and stay current on recent developments as well as sharing best practices. Membership is on an annual basis from January – December and automatically includes 2 representatives. Additional representatives can be added with additional cost
Key Membership Benefits


Events & Get-together
Shopping Centre tours and bus trips in different regions are scheduled periodically, great way to stay in the know as well as in the latest best practices.

Resources & Tools

News & Updates
Types of Membership

Outlying Area
Shopping centres outside Lower Mainland
*One-year membership. Two representatives included.

Contractors and associated businesses in the retail industry.
*One-year membership. Two representatives included.

Lower Mainland
Shopping centres within the Lower Mainland.
*One-year membership. Two representatives included.
Renew your Membership!
Membership is on an annual basis so make sure you keep your membership up to date to continue enjoying the benefits of it, renewing is very easy.LOG IN
Gain access to more than 200 key industry connections
MEMBERS DIRECTORYIf you want to get access to all our resources, join our membership program!